Dialog Teologic XXV/49 (2022)

Dialog Teologic XXV/49 (2022)
180 p., 17×24, ISSN 1453-8075, 25 lei.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.53438/LVTY2161

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Petru Ciobanu
L’aborto nel magistero pontificio contemporaneo da Pio XI a Francesco

Abortion has been an important subject for pontifical teaching since the early days of the Church, and has always been condemned, while the right to life of every person, including those in the womb, has been stressed from the moment of conception. In this article, interventions on abortion and the right to life by contemporary Roman pontiffs, from Pius XI to Pope Francis, are presented.

Teofil Ciucheş
Sapienza e potenza di Dio in Gregorio di Nissa. Prospettive teologiche e implicazioni spirituali per la vita cristiana

The Christological titles «Wisdom» and «Power of God» occupy a relevant significance in the theological thought of Gregory of Nyssa. The breadth of his reflections upon these matters ranges from: consideration upon the eternal character of the Divine Properties regarding the unity and equality of the Divine Persons in the Trinity, unto the Christological significance (and implications) of the Divine Attributes in the creative act of Creation. Furthermore, this research will indicate the approach that Gregory proposes in teaching these two aspects for the Christian life. The thread running through this study will allows us to observe that, for the Nyssien-minded, the faithful interpretation of Sacred Scripture is always closely connected with both theological reflection and with the spiritual life.

Fabian Doboş
La beata Paolina Maria Jaricot (1799-1862) ed i cattolici della Moldavia

This Article deals with Pauline-Marie Jaricot. A nineteenth-century French Christian who contributed significantly to the building of the Universal Church through the history of man. She lived her faith in an exemplary manner. It is she who founded the Association “Propagation de la Foi”. The founding of this association marks today 200 years of existence. It was meant to support, both spiritual and financial, the evangelization missions of the Church. Pauline-Marie Jaricot was born in Lyon in 1799, and the years that followed have increased her life of faith through various experiences, both in spirit and missionary zeal. Her efforts for missions were not isolated but increased.
Thus, in 1822 the Association “Propagation de la Foi” appears. The actions of this association support a missionary spirituality, material solidarity, and an international network. Among its beneficiaries, throughout history, was the Roman-Catholic Diocese of Iasi. The Catholics of Moldova have started to be supported since the nineteenth century.

Lucian Farcaş
Christlicher Einsatz zum Wandel der Strukturen: politische und kirchliche Einstellungen

From the theological-ethical point of view, we can begin by asserting that it is possible to transform the social structures wounded by sin for a positive purpose. However, that process takes place in complicated conditions of relations between people and the social edifice. In the first part, there are described two historical experiences regarding transformation: the communist revolution and the Church positions in social fields. Then, after these two points, the author outlined the model of a unitary transformation of social structures. Without a concrete specification, this article has in the background the situation of the Romanian society.

Eduard Giurgi
The Importance of the Teaching of Gaudium et spes for the Introduction of Dolus as a Ground for Marriage Nullity in the 1983 Code of Canon Law

The present essay is aimed to highlight the impact of the teaching of Vatican II, through the pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes, on the introduction of a new ground for marriage nullity, namely, dolus. In order to reach this aim, the essay provides a short presentation of the teaching of the 1917 Code of Canon Law. The essay emphasizes that in this code was stressed more the procreative end of matrimonial consent and less the importance of matrimonial love in giving consent. The 1917 Code of Canon Law had the advantage of offering juridic clarity on marriage, yet the disadvantage was that the legislation was very much removed from experience of most married members of the Church. To this disadvantage the personalist view of some theologians and canonists was to give equal importance to procreative end of marriage and to matrimonial love. The personalist proposal was accepted and included in the teaching of the Council of Vatican II, more precisely, in the pastoral constitution Gaudium et spes. The council eliminates the hierarchical ordering on the ends of marriage and it teaches that both ends are equally important for a valid marriage. The council stresses the importance of the love between the man and the woman for a valid matrimonial consent. The teaching of the council led to the introduction of a new ground for marriage nullity in the 1983 Code of Canon Law. In fact, according to the teaching of the council, the consent consists in the mutual giving and accepting of the spouses. When one of them is deprived of knowledge of an important quality of the other party by dolus, the mutual giving and accepting in consent is incomplete or truncated. Also, the partnership of life and love about which the council teaches is seriously disturbed in such a case. As a consequence, it was necessary to be introduced this new ground for marriage nullity in the 1983 Code of Canon Law.

Ionuţ Eremia Imbrişcă
Forza nella debolezza in 2Cor 12,1-10

The topic of weakness often emerges in Paul’s letters; in the Second Letter to the Corinthians, however, it is presented as a “confession”. Our analysis will begin with a description of Corinth and, above all, with an examination of the relationship that Paul had with the Christian community founded in this place and to which he addressed two of his letters. The introduction to the Second Letter to the Corinthians will help us, later, to approach the topic of the apostle’s weakness, a concept that is “confessed” to the Corinthians and which reaches its climax with the statement “for when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Cor 12:10).

Gabriel-Iulian Robu
Il modello fondativo-contestuale di teologia fondamentale in un’epoca visiva

In this article we intend to find some ideas for an iconic thought in the context of contemporary “visual” culture. Starting from the distinction between the idol and the icon made by Marion and from her perspective on the iconic function of the concepts and the name of God, we will present some traits and gains of the iconic thought, following the orientations of the foundational-contextual model of the School Lateran. The method followed in this path places us within the Lateran School of Fundamental Theology. This model affirms that today is also the opportune moment to put the message of Revelation (the founding moment) in relation to the contemporary context (the contextual moment) in a sacramental horizon. The positive moment, the auditus fidei, is combined with the interpretative-contextual one, auditus temporis, on the way to a reliable intellectus Revelationis in today’s visual culture.

Florin Ursa, Lucian Dîncă
Evangelization through the media. The Holy Trinity in the Shack 2017

In the new, modern post-secular society, the Catholic Church wants its evangelization mission to be extended by the media. The most recommended form of evangelization is the direct one, face to face, but nowadays so that the biblical message of the Christ to be also reach by the young people, who spend most of their time on social media, Internet, TV, films, etc. One of the most popular media is the internet, where all the information is just a click away. The Catholic Church through the Vatican II Council wishes to become involved and encourages the involvement of clergy and believers in supporting Christian film actors and producers, Christian TV and radio stations. One of the messages that the church wants to send to the world is the mystery of the Holy Trinity. This mystery is one of faith in the living God, unique in being and intermingled in persons: God the Father (the Creator), God the Son (the Redeemer) and God the Holy Spirit. The use of cinema in the transmission of Church messages must be done with caution and well documented. Through the analysis of the movie The Shack 2017, the mystery of the Holy Trinity is revealed to the cinefiles a part as a Christian teaching in accordance with the Catholic Church’s teaching and another apart as Christian teaching intertwined with new teachings (New Age).

Ştefan LUPU
I ministeri ecclesiastici che assicurano la vita sinodale della Chiesa, nella visione di Dumitru Staniloae

n the point of view of the Romanian Orthodox theologian Dumitru Stăniloae, the synodal unity of the Church is ensured by the ecclesiastical hierarchy, a hierarchy that is divided into a sacramental hierarchy and a jurisdictional hierarchy. The sacramental hierarchy has its origin in the sacrament of Priesthood and includes three fundamental degrees: the episcopate, the presbyterate and the diaconate. From these three fundamental degrees derives the jurisdictional hierarchy which, in addition to some administrative tasks, has the mission of preserving the communion between the members of the sacramental hierarchy. The theological principles on which the synodality of the hierarchy is based are three: the principle of communion, the principle of the transcendent origin of the ecclesiastical ministry and the principle of complementarity between the episcopal synodality and the general synodality of the Church.

Iosif Iacob
Marriage as a divine and human reality in the vision of the Second Vatican Council

The institution of marriage and the family it is one of the social and ecclesial realities, difficult to stick in its full meaning. It, as a natural reality, involves the whole life of man, of each man, both as a right and as a possibility. In his great redemptive plan, God, through Jesus Christ, in the New Law established by the sacrifice of love to the ultimate sacrifice, assigns a saving dimension to natural marriage. This new dimension makes marriage a supernatural and profoundly human reality, anchored in social realities in a continuous becoming. The current situation that the Church is experiencing in the pastoral field through the different choices that believers make regarding the sacrament of marriage invites us to deepen and analyze all the aspects that affect the choice of the type of marital union.
All these motivations makes us to take in consideration the different spheres of human existence as well with visions of living life to see the way marriage as a natural and sacramental reality, involving every human being, presents itself to contemporary society in all its complexity, or in what way society’s problems come to be reflected and also involves the institution of marriage.

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