Wilhelm Dancă: Omul recent şi noua evanghelizare

Starting from two terms – new and recent –, towards the contemporary spirit has a certain predilection, this study enlarges upon the missionary speech of the Church, situating itself in this manner in an anthropological perspective. The author’s intention, as he confesses, is to show that the raised man within the modern rationalism’s horizon – horizon that has become universal through science and technology – cannot and mustn’t remain only recent. And the evangelization also – which propose itself to take the contemporary man out of the nowadays cultural and religious dead end – cannot and mustn’t remain only new. In the end, the new evangelization it is not only a manner resumed to a simple method or some words. This fight for the world’s soul regards the man’s life itself. It is the renewal of the meeting with the generations’ man that has fallen away from Christ and from the Church. It is this man’s taking out from non-sense, from frustration, from boredom and from despair. It is also the Gospel’s announcing, the good news about Jesus Christ in whom God shows it’s total and true love towards every man. Fully recovered, the man could take himself out of nihilism’s whirlpool, in which everything is relative, evanescent and fragmentary, and will be able to draw back from its memory the substantial things, whether it is about the Christian message or the fundamental elements of the human being.


Wilhelm Dancă: Evanghelizarea şi îndreptarea privirii spre Cristos

The present editorial explains the genesis of the 13th Theological Dialogue magazine edition that takes over the international discussion documents organized by the Roman-Catholic Theological Institute of Iassy during the March 8th and 9th 2004. The great number of participants, their confessional and professional diversity – Catholics and Orthodocs, students and teachers, clerics and lay people – but also the special quality of the conferences and discussions applied to the given themes are the empirical proof of the fact that, in spite of all bets and negative statistics regarding the fate of Christianity in the post-modern period, the world of today is willing to listen to the Gospel. In this case, the evangelizers’ mission consists in the reorientation of post-communist and post-modernist man’s look and existence towards Christ’s mystery.


Alois BIŞOC: Misiunea Bisericii în lumea contemporană

The Church is a complex reality that always tried to come in the reception of society’s needs. Living in a new era of human history the Church cannot remain disinterested in front of the impulses that receive from the society. Without disowning its identity and Tradition, it proposed to the world, through the works of the Second Vatican Council a new image of the homo Ecclesiae. The article points out the problems of the nowadays world and the actual relation between it and the Church, both during the Council but also in the period after.

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Nils GYONS: Misiunea în America Latină

South America is one of the poorest continents on the globe. Having a population of 500 million inhabitants this area confronts with severe social problems such as drugs dealing, dictators, civil wars, guerilla fights, nutrition diseases, etc. In this article it is showed, that in spite of some contradictory aspects, the Catholic Church is very well represented because most of the population is Catholic. The reality of the South America is very tough but the Church has in this area a very efficacious missionary activity and the calls to the apostolate life are numerous. This continent that is very much alive and diversified in its mentality, culture or adaptation to the requirements of the contemporary life represents an interest and hope ambit for the Church.

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Eduard Ferenţ: Strigătul unui păstor patern în vederea evanghelizării credincioşilor săi

Through a dogmatic approach to the theme of secularism, pr. prof. Edward Ferenţ analyzed the context and the coordinates of the evangelization as it is seen by the Second Council of Vatican and by the first bishop of Iasi, Nicolae Iosif Camilli, and then is looking for an answer that is given by secularism to the new evangelization of people from the third millennium. Firstly, starting from the documents of the Second Council of Vatican, the author shows which is the social context of the new evangelization – secularization of the human life, that is the removal of people from God. Then the author exposes the coordinates of the evangelization of the first Shepherd of the Dioceses of Iasi, Bishop N.I. Camilli, presenting the paternal shout of this bishop as it is presented in a discourse addressed to the Catholics from Paris. Finally, the author, starting from the text of the bishop of Iasi, shows that even in that time the Dioceses of Iasi intended to answer to secularization through a new evangelization of man. In conclusion, pr. prof. E. Ferenţ shows what the new evangelization should defend: identity of the Christ, the primacy of the Kingdom and the centrality of salvation, the identity of the church, the Sacramental identity of the church, and the human dignity.

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Marcelo Sorondo: „Veritas liberavit vos”! Chiesa e secolarizzazione. Sfide e strategie pastorali

In this article, the author examines the biblical verse „Veritas vos liberavit” – “The truth will set you free” and the pastoral challenges and strategies in the secularization of the Church. The reference point in this study is the relationship between faith and reason, the ratio between them, being two forms of evangelization: from faith to reason, and from reason to faith. Based on this report, the author talks about the conflict between the objective and philosophical reflection in the human practice. In first place, Msgr. M. Sorondo analyzed the neurological sciences and self-interpretation, then talks about conflict in the brain, the mind, the soul and being, and finally to refer the issue of evolution and creation for human beings as a third place of conflict. In the treatment of the subject, the author makes use of both the Bible and the Magisterium of the Church, but also from different philosophers in different periods of history.

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Emil Dumea: Religie şi valori în era globalizării

In this article, Fr. Emil Dumea proposes a reflection on globalization and the influence of this complex phenomenon on religion. The first part is an overview of globalization, which includes multiple spheres of human activity: economic, social, technological, cultural, political, environmental, etc. After this general reflection, the author presents several historical stages of cultural globalization with reference to regional and local examples. In the last part there are opened to question values of the process of globalization in the context in which they differ from one culture to another, from one individual to another, both by training and continuity.

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Vittorio Possenti: Chiesa e secolarizzazione. Il cortile dei gentili

In this article, the author examines the relationship between secularization and the Church in terms of „the court of the Gentiles” which is inserted in the report delicately between Church and secularization. Liberal democracies, different religions were equated time, that is why the public should take from them a position of indifference and neutrality, this is true for universal religions, which were required to be limited to long private sector. Such democracies have abandoned the Hegelian scheme in which religion is incorporated and abstracted in the evolution of society and true within the state; in Europe, in addition, they are removed the American scheme, in which religion is a foundation independent of the company, remaining separate politics. For all that, a significant change is unfolded in secular thinking of the environments.

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Roland Minnerath: L’évangélisation et la postmodernité

From the beginning, Christianity has interacted with cultural elements that have ensured a greater ease in preaching and spreading the Gospel. Christianity entered a world where religion was part of the culture. Taking the starting points the cultural elements, Mons. Roland Minnerath wants to capture those key points that can be used in contemporary evangelization. First, there are highlighted the Christian elements that contributed to the formation of Western culture. Next, we analyze trends and principles which have replaced Christian culture with a secular culture, a phenomenon that led to the need for a new evangelization. In the last part, are brought to light deficiencies in the post-modern culture, among which the lack of future prospects and human helplessness in the face of death problem.

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Cristinel Fodor: Sacramentalizare versus evanghelizare: cum sunt trăite sacramentele, în special Botezul, Euharistia, Spovada, Căsătoria, în comunităţile din dieceza noastră

The theme that treats the author would like to contribute to those things which the Church invites repeatedly: to renew our liturgical celebrations, preparing for graces received in the sacraments and developing them for the sacrament, the faithful enter into communion with the Holy Trinity, to experience participation in the divine nature and, thus, they should be built by the Church as a sign and realization of God’s presence in the world. After a theoretical presentation of their authors proceed to analyze their practice, that is to analyze how the preparations for receiving the sacraments become fruitful. The author deals with how we look at those who ask for the sacraments, how long preparations and the creation of a model of training as prescribed by the Church, about some rules to be followed in the first meeting, how to address unbelievers during the administration of the sacraments, ending with mystagogy of the first meeting. Then, one by one analyzed in the light of these premises, preparing to receive the sacraments and how they are administered.

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